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Origin: VEnezuela

TYPE: Wild grown forastero  

AVERAGE bean weight: 1.01 grams




"It is a cacao that springs spontaneously in the islets, which are small portions of land that are saved from being flooded."


This rare cacao is wild harvested by the indigenous Piaroa tribe of the Venezuelan Orinoco basin. It is a cacao that springs spontaneously in the islets, which are small portions of land that are saved from being flooded. Such way of growing has protected the genetics of these delicate beans.


Sediments and organic materials from the river fertilize the trees from the islets, bathing them in rich minerals which impart to extra fine cacao of the Amazon that difference.


Transport of the beans requires up to 10 km by canoe, due to geographic isolation, to finally  arrive to the post harvest center where the fermentation and drying process will be carried out.


The fermentation process is done by removing the cacao seeds from their pods and placing them in large wooden boxes covered with leaves of plants stored in Churuatas (indigenous tends built with mud and bahareque). The fermentation process last for 6 to 7 days, where the beans are turned every 24 hours.


Drying is achieved by the sun for 5 days.


This cacao has a unique flavour of citrus fruits, sweets, flowers and wood aroma.


Amazonas is the the most southern state of Venezuela. Its is also considered the lungs of the earth and has an endless biodiversity of animals and vegetation.


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